Welcome to the Alberta Groups Website

These interactive, fun and engaging groups are available to all Albertans.

Alberta Moving on With Persistent Pain
Alberta My Way to Health (formerly Alberta Health Basics)
Alberta Anxiety to Calm
Alberta Anxiety to Calm for Youth
Alberta Happiness Basics
Alberta Relationships in Motion
Alberta Journeying Through Grief

These Alberta programs have been designed and developed by the Red Deer Primary Care Network health care staff.

These programs continue to grow and evolve based on feedback from other Primary Care Networks group coaches,  patients, community partners, evaluation results, and new research.


For questions regarding Evaluation of Alberta Groups

Contact Program Sharing:

(email) ProgramSharing@rdpcn.com

(Phone) 403-343-9100

Partnering Organizations

Please see https://albertafindadoctor.ca to find other PCN’s offering these programs in Alberta.
Colleges/ Universities:

Bow Valley College

Red Deer Polytechnic

University of Calgary

Keyano College

Olds College

Burman University

Concordia University

Mac Ewan University

Mount Royal University

Lethbridge College

Community Partnerships:

There are a number of community partners who have trained to be facilitators of Alberta Groups.

Are you interested in becoming a facilitator for these workshops?

Reach out to one of your local facilitator trainers:

North Zone contact:         

Robyn Steinke- Robyn.Steinke@grandprariepcn.com

Edmonton Zone contact:

Dominique Perez-Parada- dperezparada@enpcn.com

Madison Steele- msteele@enpcn.com

Central Zone contact:      

Main Contact:  Red Deer PCN- programsharing@rdpcn.com

Wainwright contact:         

Christina Harvey- Christina.Harvey@albertahealthservices.ca

Calgary Zone:                     

Jessica Booth- jessica.booth@scpcn.ca

Danielle Heck- danielle.heck@scpcn.ca

Stephanie Young- stefanie.young@scpcn.ca

Ashley Nickles- ashley.nickles@scpcn.ca

Airdrie contact:                 

Kathy Cunningham- Kathryn.Cunningham@hpcn.ca

Red Deer PCN Training:

Register here  

Once you have trained, you can become a mentor for your own organization.  This means your team can do online training.

Once done online training, you will teach a workshop with your mentor, and the send in your completed checklist to program.sharing@rdpcn.com to receive your certificate of training.

Register here for online training.

Red Deer Primary Care Network acknowledges that we learn and work on Treaty 7, Treaty 6, and Metis ancestral lands, the gathering place of many Indigenous peoples.  This is where we will strive to honour and transform our relationships with one another.